Time..Yes The Time Has Come..!!!

5 01 2016

What is time?  It can be many different things to many different people. Time can be many different things to a single person depending on the day, the time of day, the mood, so on and so on.

The one thing that is certain is that time does not stand still.  Live life like there is no tomorrow.  So what does time have to do with me?

The time has come for me to begin treatment for malignant metastatic nodule melanoma.  I originally decided to create a blog so that I could share my story with others who may be experiencing the same fate or for others just looking for daily inspirations.  As you can see I have not posted much because there was not much to post.  I was diagnosed with nodular melanoma stage IIIb,  Breslow thickness 1.92 and Clark level 0f at least 4 in February 2012.  I had a wide leg excision on my outer right thigh and sentinel node removed.  The sentinel node came back positive but the wide leg excision had clean borders which showed that all the cancer had been removed.  I then underwent a total lymph node dissection of my right groin and a muscle flap from my right thigh.  Only one lymph node was positive for nodular melanoma.  The doctors felt that I had a very low chance of reoccurrence.  Good news, so I thought.  I would then be scheduled for checkups every three months with pet scans every 6 months.  Yep, as many of you know, I was the lucky one who did not fall into the category of NED (no evidence of disease).  The pet scan showed areas of lymph node involvement in both the right and left pelvic nodes.  I went back into surgery to have them removed and the pathology report showed no cancer.  Whew I was lucky.  I returned to my regular 3 month visits and all was looking good.  Just when we were ready to change my appointments to every 6 months I had another reoccurrence that appeared in my right buttox.  Wow another surgery and once again I was cancer free.  As expected I was back to 3 month followup appointments and 6 month pet scans.  This was good for a while then…..yep you guessed it I had another reoccurrence.  This time I had one area on my butt and one on my back.  Surgery was scheduled for two weeks from the time my biopsies came back positive.  I went in two weeks later for surgery and told my surgeon that in the two weeks that I was waiting for surgery I had a third area show up.  I had surgery and all 3 areas of cancer removed. According to the pathology report all three were malignant metastatic nodular melanoma.  Well once again it looks like we got it all except for a new area that showed up on my pet scan.  It looks like I may have cancer in my spleen. All I can say is that cancer has a mind of its own.  I should not have had any reoccurrence of cancer and yet here I am with possibly a new cancer spot on my spleen.  After long discussions with my physicians we decided that we can no longer continue to just cut the cancer out of my body.  We decided that it is time to start chemo treatments.  I am actually going to be taking two drugs, Tafinlar and Mekinist.  I will begin treatments on January 25th.  I will do my best to post how I feel and how things are going in hopes of helping others who may be going through the same thing.

I am truly blessed to have such amazing physicians, family and friends.  I know that I will beat my cancer.  I am strong, I have to many things to do in this life and I plan on doing them all before I check out.  I have a strong support group who sends prayers regularly and I know that all those prayers will keep me going.

 “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at a time of challenge and cotroversy.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King



10 responses

5 01 2016
Mary Broux-Littrell

If anyone can beat this cancer its you Patty, you have a very positive attitude and a strong support network of family and friends. Am praying this treatment takes care of it and you will be cancer free . love and prayers to you

5 01 2016
Gail Clodfelter

Sending healing thoughts and prayers Patty!

5 01 2016
Patrick Ryan

Stay strong my friend… Easy for me to say right ? How bout this instead..The world is so much better with you in it… Thinking of you always.

6 01 2016
Bonnie Flynn

Dear Sweet Patty, so many prayers from so many people for a woman who knows how to live and encourage others along the way. Patty, love you Honey, God Bless YOU and thank you for keeping us posted. I will light a candle every day to remind me to pray “without ceasing” ……….

6 01 2016
Patti Kain

So sorry that you’ve went thru all this Patty. You are very strong, stronger than the cancer & sure you will beat it. You are so positive, which is remarkable. Praying for you to be healed from the horrible disease.

6 01 2016
Susan Reichling

Ugh! We will be praying for God’s healing and His comfort during this time. I’m here in your corner 🙂 Love you.

6 01 2016
Janene Bennett

You are one of the strongest, most optimistic people I have ever met. You will beat this! Prayers and hugs for you and Trentin.

7 01 2016
Iris Hoffmeister

Patty, I’m sure you know our prayers are with you every day! DeAn and. I love you and know if anyone can beAt this it’s you!keep your positive attitude. Honey. As we pray for the Lords healing!God Bless!

7 01 2016
Martha Miller

Patty, you are one of the strongest people I know…more than strong. You’re brave and tough!

9 01 2016
Wesley Carman

Patty after 22 years of being in the business I often reflect where I started you are at the top of my memories from the cath lab. I have never forgoten your many acts of kindness, wisdom and friendship. You are in my prayers and one the happiest memories that I have. Im pulling and praying for you and your family. Wesley R. Carman

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